Located in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar is a land of stories and legends. The red island invites you to discover the baobab, the sea nomads and the most beautiful mountains of the island. We meet Elysée, the botany student, Soloda, the man who lives on the water and Gilles, the nature lover. This documentary was produced by Patly Prod and directed by Laurent Cadoret. It was first released in 2015. ---- Regards sur le Monde offers exceptional documentaries from around the world. Discover faraway destinations and fascinating and virtually unknown cultures. Explore new worlds thanks to our investigative journalists who benefit from exclusive access to the most remote corners of the planet, infiltrate the most dangerous cities and follow the journey of some of the most unique and incredible people, and bring you their stories. Discover the customs and traditions of each continent and understand the socio-political climate in which people live around the world. All this and much more to discover on @regardssurlemondedocu. Don't forget to click SUBSCRIBE to stay informed of our new content. See more in FRENCH: @regardssurlemondedocu See more documentaries in ESPAÑOL: @HistoriasVivasDocumentales Watch more ENGLISH documentaries: @JavaDiscover