Passion Outremer - Madagascar, an Eden to protect This film is a journey through Madagascar, a vast territory teeming with riches, to meet Malagasy people who are fighting to make their heritage known and protect their natural wealth. Discovery of the different regions of Madagascar: the capital Antananarivo, the High Plateaux, Antsirabe and Ambositra in the center of the island, the west coast along the Mozambique Channel, Morondava and Belo-sur-Mer. A journey punctuated by encounters that testify to the diversity of this territory and the Malagasy people's attachment to their country, its history, its culture and its natural and historical heritage. Robin Rakotonjanahary, hiking guide, introduces us to the Zafimaniry villages, a people of sculptors whose know-how is classified as UNESCO cultural heritage; Elysée Rasaomanana, research biologist at CIRAD watches over the baobabs in the Monrondava region; Olivier Guerpillon fights to protect the endangered Malagasy forests; And Toanina Rakotomamonjy watches over fifty lemurs in the Lemur's Park reserve. Director: Jean-Marc Chauvet Lucile Hochdoerffer