In this video we will list of pages to find your first job as a programmer, why, PROS and CONS ▶ Don't miss more live broadcasts at: / midudev 0:00 Intro 1:12 Getonbrd.com 2:32 The good and the bad 5:09 prosmarketplace.com 6:18 The good and the bad 9:13 Malt 10:15 The good and the bad 10:40 getmanfred.com 14:00 The good and the bad 16:44 Infojobs 17:00 The good and the bad 21:33 Trick to search for offers on LinkedIn 27:03 School + work question 27:40 More Pages (remoteok.io, arc.dev, flexjobs.com) 28:50 Why is it not sponsored?