#TeatruRadiofonic #StefanMarian #DetectivulDuceTava #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani #MirceaAlbulescu Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you cannot find on YouTube with the great Romanian actors on / theater You called ? I, sir. What a terrible misfortune! Are you the wagon attendant? Yes. Paraschiv Dumitru is calling me, may you live. I am Captain Ovidiu Dorali, from the Judicial Police. Please lead me. Here, welcome, get on the wagon, Mr. Captain. Welcome, doctor, he came about half an hour ago. Hello, Mr. Captain. Doctor Parau from the station's medical office. I sent to call you! Cast: Mircea Albulescu, Simona Bondoc, Ion Marinescu, Luminiţa Gheorghiu, Traian Stănescu, Mihai Dinvale, George Oprina, Doina Tamaş, Petre Moraru, Maria Dumitrache Caraman, Candid Stoica, Alexandru Georgescu, Ion Siminie, Nicolae Călugarita, Marius Florea