The second show of “Orijus Travels” from Stockholm. You will learn what the “lagom” philosophy of life means and how to become happy without money. You will also learn about “fika” breaks, which are a must-do every day. Journalist Orijus Gasanovas will show you where to find the most beautiful people in the world and what to say when you meet them. You will also see a place where Swedes travel to get creative. Orijus will introduce a restaurant where to eat the famous meatballs in Stockholm and a dessert restaurant where to eat cinnamon buns. By the way, do you know what is more popular in this country than cinnamon? Subscribe to our channel and be the first to see the shows! 👉 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL https://shorturl.at/ajnuT 👉 READ https://www.delfi.lt 👉 WATCH https://www.delfi.lt/video/ 👉 LET’S BE FRIENDS / delfilietuva 👉 FOLLOW DELFI INSTAGRAM / delfilietuva