The kingdom has been hit by a cruel curse - the prince has disappeared and the princess who looks at him suddenly evaporates. In the old archives, the counselors searched for a way to break the curse, but it will not be easy at all, because, as the letters say, it will be downright impossible. Will there be a brave man to complete three impossible tasks and save the kingdom? Read by: Radovan Klučka Don't forget to subscribe to us: https: / @barevnysvet2024 #mluvenéslovo #pohadka #audio #audiopohádka #ctenepohadky #cteniprodeti #cteni #nadobrounoc #spanek #nejenproprodeti #prodeti #pohadkynaspani #naucnepohadky #pohadkyprodeti #kratkepohadky #pohadkysponaucenim #tematickepohadky #pohadkypsaneslaskou #ctenepohadky #goodnight #prince #king #magician #queen #spells #fairytale #reading #sleepingtales #authorsreading #educationaltales #readingtales #readingreading #shortstories #talesbyteaching #taleswrittenwithlove #king #queen #witch #magic #němcovábožena #kareljaromirerben #czechfairytales #worldfairytales #bratřimmovi #hanschristianandersen #ceskýhonza #hádkovýhonza #loupýhonza #wtipyprodeti #humor #anekdoty #tipycz #jokes #barevnýsvět