Masayuki Miura, a leading authority on castle architecture who supervised the Nagoya Castle Examination Advanced Reference Book "Nagoya Castle, the Pinnacle of Early Modern Castles," will talk more in depth and detail about the charms of Nagoya Castle. If you think "Nagoya Castle is interesting!" or "I want to know more about Nagoya Castle!", try the "Nagoya Castle Examination"! ■Contents The pinnacle of Shoin-zukuri architecture: The true value of Nagoya Castle's Honmaru Palace 1. The Palace of the Keicho Era and the Palace of the Kan'ei Era 2. Luxury 3. Diversity ■Profile Masayuki Miura (Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima University) Doctor of Engineering. Supervisor of the Nagoya Castle Examination Advanced Reference Book "Nagoya Castle, the Pinnacle of Early Modern Castles." Council member of the Japan Castle Foundation. Specializes in Japanese architectural history and cultural property studies. His main works include "Restoration of Japanese Castles" (co-authored, Gyosei 1992), "Basic Knowledge of Castle Appreciation" (Shibundo 1999), and "Resurrected Nagoya Castle" (co-authored, Gakken 2006), among many others. ■About the Nagoya Castle Exam The Nagoya Castle Exam has been held every year since 2008 to help more people learn about the charms of Nagoya Castle and Nagoya through learning. There are three levels of difficulty: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Those who pass will be presented with a special original certificate. Why not give it a try with your family? Nagoya Castle Exam Webpage https://www.nagoyajo.city.nagoya.jp/l... Nagoya Castle Homepage https://www.nagoyajo.city.nagoya.jp/ #NagoyaCastle#Castle#History