Long-running tvN super fun videos! Save them and watch them later! #WatchLaterVideo #NakedDong #NakedKoreanHistory #LeeWanYong 〈NakedKoreanHistory〉 Every Wednesday at 8:20 PM on tvN STORY! Rewatch on TVING👉 https://www.tving.com/contents/P00159... 00:00 Did Lee WanYong originally hate Japan? 11:27 Lee WanYong, a traitor who revealed his true colors 31:32 Lee WanYong's Gyeongsul national shame after pledging allegiance to Japan 57:33 Why Ahn JungGeun decided to engage in armed struggle 01:11:49 Ahn JungGeun carrying out the Harbin Incident *Episode information: NakedKoreanHistory Episodes 22 and 35 we're :DIGGLE family