https://www.medicinaeinformazione.com/ / medicinaeinformazione / einformazione There are many Italians who suffer from inflammatory disorders, especially of a muscular and joint nature. And from a recent research by Huiman Highway for Assosalute it emerges that two out of three Italians have suffered from it in recent months. Inflammation is therefore a rather constant presence in the life of all of us, with classic manifestations such as fever, or heartburn, or even sunburn, inflammation of the oral cavity or as we were saying the frequent inflammation of the joints and muscles that affects 41.2% of the Italian population, especially those over 45. Again from the Human Highway research for Assosalute it emerges that Italians identify among the main causes of inflammation lifestyle and stress, 46 and 42 percent respectively, in addition to age, incorrect posture and an unhealthy diet. Scrolling further through the research we discover that in the management of small inflammatory disorders, Italians rely on their own experience or on the advice of their doctor or pharmacist, and that over 55% of the sample interviewed resorts to self-medication with over-the-counter drugs already used in the past for similar disorders. But can we prevent the onset of inflammatory disorders? And what are the right actions to take when we have some disorder? We asked Dr. Ovidio Brignoli, General Practitioner and Vice President of SIMG - Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care and Dr. Carolina Carosio, Pharmacist and President of Young Pharmacists FENAGIFAR. Among the questions: What is inflammation? Inflammation can have an endogenous origin, therefore specific to the organism, and an exogenous one, therefore caused by an external agent, and what is the origin of these mechanisms? From the Human Highway research for Assosalute we saw that Italians know inflammation well, what is its signature, how does it manifest itself in the organism? We often talk about pro-inflammatory foods or lifestyles, and on the contrary, what are the foods or behaviors that can prevent inflammation? When is it appropriate to consult a doctor even for the correct intake of so-called over-the-counter drugs^ What are the inflammatory problems for which Italians go to the pharmacy and what do they ask for? In view of the summer, what should never be missing from our self-medication kit against inflammation?