SEKAR MITRA BUDAYA ebeg art and culture performance from Larangan Pengadegan Village, Purbalingga, an event for a wedding thanksgiving in Sumampir Village, Rembang, Purbalingga, September 28, 2020. REUPLOADING is prohibited without permission from Rakafm Production Purbalingga. ============================= Rakafm Purbalingga arts and culture channel especially Banyumasan hopefully the content on our channel can be beneficial for all your participation and support through SUBSCRIBE, like, share & comment we express our gratitude, may your fortune be made easy, aamiin. ============================ #LiveRakafmPurbalingga #SekarMitraBudaya #MediaArtsCultureDakwah #ChannelNgapakBanyumasan #LeatherWayangBanyumasan #Ngapak Study Group #BanyumasanCulture #UlinnuhaCilacap #UstadzahMumpuni #GusMiftah Study Group #KyaiMiftahudinZuhri Study Group #LiveStreaming #LiveLeatherWayangBanyumasan #LiveGrand Study Group #LiveArtsCulture #LiveMusic