Beto Ribeiro's cuts on the Alessandra Vaz case. She was at home with her friend Daniella Mousinho, in Nova Friburgo - RJ. Ever since she had ended her relationship with her now ex-partner, Rodrigo Alvez Marotti, she had been apprehensive about his advances. What Alessandra could never have imagined was that Rodrigo would set her house on fire, taking her life and that of her friend Daniella. #crime #interview #missing #brothers #podcast Watch part 1 of this full episode: • PART 1 - MY EX PUT F0G0 IN THE HOUSE... Watch part 2 of this full episode: • PART 2 - MY EX PUT F0G0 IN THE HOUSE... To become a member, click the link below: / @betoribeirocrime TO BUY THE BOOK PODER S/A: Amazon: https://a.co/d/5Tpw66f Drummond: https://drummondlivraria.com.br/poder... BETO RIBEIRO STORE - NOTEBOOKS, MUGS, T-SHIRTS AND MUCH MORE WEBSITE: https://lojabetoribeiro.com.br FOR INTERNATIONAL SALES, USE WHATS: +55 11 94306-3034 Anyone involved with the cases, who wants to bring their point of view on the story, contact: [email protected] Instagram: / betoribeiro Instagram Community: https://ig.me/j/AbZwNno-VFZjtv8Y/ TikTok: / betoribeiro_ Amazon: amazon.com/author/betoribeiro Twitter: / betoribeiroplay WhatsApp Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FPInyjc5fXL... Telegram Link: https://t.me/betoribeirocrime Beto Ribeiro (MTB Journalist 0096117 / SP) CHANNEL WITH A JOURNALISTIC VISION OF INFORMATION AND PRECAUTION OF CR1ME. Subscribe, like, comment. :) CR1ME, BEHAVIOR AND MYSTERY - WITH BETO RIBEIRO