Find out the best way to learn about your personality traits. Take the test here! https://www.curiosamente.com/apps/per... Get to know Platzi: http://platzi.com/curiosamente Subscribe to CuriosaMente: https://www.youtube.com/curiosamente?... Support us on Patreon: / curiosamente 1:32 Forer effect 3:24 Myers–Briggs test 7:10 Big 5 personality traits test LEARN MORE: Twin studies: https://science.sciencemag.org/conten... Is personality genetic or developed? https://www.verywellmind.com/are-pers.... Study with elderly Japanese people: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science... Depression and personality: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama... Script: Tonatiuh Moreno Illustrations: Ruy Fernando Estrada Voice: Javier Lacroix Music: Miguel Solís, Mary Camarena and Jorge Verdín Animation: Alejandra or Sofía Espinosa Editing: Erick Blackmer #dissemination #science #psychology