In this video, Jonatan Molina, PhD in Psychology and expert in psychological therapy with children and adolescents, shows how to perform an ADHD assessment remotely. This approach allows for easier and more flexible access to diagnostic tools, facilitating the process for both professionals and patients. Jonatan presents practical examples of how to use these digital tools to assess ADHD symptoms, highlighting the importance of accuracy and reliability in remote diagnosis. Tools shown in the video: 1. SENA: https://web.teaediciones.com/SENA-Sis... 2. E-TDAH: https://web.teaediciones.com/e-TDAH-E... 3. ATENTO: https://web.teaediciones.com/ATENTO-C... 4. CARAS-R: https://web.teaediciones.com/CARAS-R-... 5. TAI Matrices: https://web.teaediciones.com/Matrices... 6. CSAT-R: https://web.teaediciones.com/CSAT--TA... 7. SCQ: https://web.teaediciones.com/scq-cues... About the speaker: Jonatan Molina Torres has a PhD in Psychology from the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) and is a psychologist expert in psychological therapy with children and adolescents with health certification. He is currently a professor in the Department of Health Sciences at the European University of Valencia (UEV) and an associate professor in the area of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments at the UMH. He is also a member of the Childhood Research Center (CII), coordinator of the Working Group for the Supervision of Clinical Cases in Children and Adolescents of the Official College of Psychology of the Valencian Community (COPCV), and a founding member of the Spanish Society of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology (SEPCIJ). Discover how these tools can help you efficiently assess ADHD from anywhere.