Objectives: To provide an overview of the Learning Strategies Questionnaire (LSQ), a comprehensive tool for assessing students' learning strategies. During the session, aspects related to the four major scales of the questionnaire will be addressed: Sensitization, Elaboration, Personalization and Metacognition, and its eleven subscales corresponding to learning strategies: Motivation, Attitudes, Affectivity-emotional control, Information selection, Information organization, Information elaboration, Creative and critical thinking, Information retrieval, Transfer, Planning and evaluation, and Regulation. Guidelines for the application, correction and interpretation of results will be included. In addition, the advantages of online correction through www.teacorrige.com and personalized recommendations for teachers and students will be highlighted, highlighting their usefulness in improving the learning process in different educational contexts. More information: • About the CEA Questionnaire: https://web.teaediciones.com/cea-cues... • About the Hogrefe TEA Ediciones Webinars at: https://web.teaediciones.com/Webinar-... • Speaker: María del Pilar Muñoz Deleito. PhD in Educational Psychology from the UCM, with the Doctoral Thesis TRAINING IN LEARNING STRATEGIES IN SECONDARY EDUCATION STUDENTS. Directed by Dr. Luz F. Pérez Sánchez. Degree in Psychology. Degree in Pedagogy. Professor at the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC), Faculty of Education and has been Associate Professor in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at UCM. Head of the Guidance Department at the Secondary Education Institute for 20 courses and previously she was part of the MEC Education Teams (EOEP). Professor of the UNIVERSITY EXPERTISE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENCE, HIGHER CAPACITY AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGY at the UCJC (Faculty of Education). Co-director and Coordinator of the ADA PROGRAM (High Development of Learning) at the Faculty of Education at the UCJC. Co-director of the International Seminar on Women, Intelligence and Talent (16th edition). Coordinator at the UCJC of the Program for the Development of High University Abilities at the University (DACIU). Collaborator of the ESTRELLA PROGRAM for Extracurricular Enrichment in Madrid; the COMPLEMENTARY ENRICHMENT PROGRAM of the Community of Madrid: the EXTRACURRICULAR ENRICHMENT PROGRAM of the UNIVERSITY OF LA RIOJA; and of ESTALMAT, a project of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. Member of the Board of Directors of the NORTE JOVEN Association (Second Chance Center), and member of the Pedagogical Commission and the Board of Directors. General Director of Chapters and director of the Spain Chapter of the World Women Talent System Association (WWTS). She has published several articles and participated in research projects related to: Cognitive Psychology. Teaching to Think. High Abilities. Women. Learning Strategies. #WebinarTEA #CuestionarioCEA #EducationalEvaluation #SchoolPsychology #ClinicalPsychology #LearningStrategies #EducationalPsychology #PsychopedagogicalIntervention #LearningEvaluation