Do you like watching Gibi? The Exxen series, which has left its mark on the recent period with its funny scenes. Why is Gibi an extremely funny series? As soon as I ask this question, I know that I will receive criticisms from some of you like what is funny while watching it and I don't make facial expressions. Because the country is literally divided into two against this series. Some people everywhere say "Have you watched Gibi? If you haven't, definitely watch it" and the other part says that the series is overrated and actually it is not that funny. But this series is the production that has made many people, including me, laugh the most in recent years. So I kindly ask you in advance not to come with criticisms like "I don't think it is funny at all" in the comments. You may not be laughing, it is quite normal, but there is a fact that this series has been creating a breeze of humor in the country with a different style in recent years. If we have agreed on this issue, let's get to the main topic. After I realized that I was constantly grinning while watching Gibi, I started asking myself why I laughed so much at this series. In this video, I will try to analyze the series by breaking it down into its parts and finally explain why it is funny to us. #gibidizisi like funny scenes, like review, like season 3, like episode 1 exxen, like episode 2, like I'll eat you, like badana, like spanish, like season 3 episode 3, like kokoreç, like series, like series spanish, like series yalvaç, like watch dizipal, like watch episode 3, like watch episode 2, like watch free, like watch dizilla, like to watch site, like watch ekşi, like watch dizigom