????✍️ SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: https://www.plintzdesign.com/atividad... PRINTABLE GAMES: https://hotm.art/TarefinhasLudicas In this video, we teach the first steps of adding quantities and numbers smaller than 10. Content indicated for Early Childhood Education and 1st grade of Elementary School. If you liked the video, share it using the share button or use the link below to recommend it to your students. Never download the video and repost it on your channel. YouTube has strict rules regarding copyright. Link to the video: • LEARNING TO ADD - Vila Educativa This content is aligned with the BNCC Guidelines. (EF01MA06) Construct basic addition facts and use them in calculation procedures to solve problems. (EF01MA08) Solve and develop addition and subtraction problems, involving numbers of up to two digits, with the meanings of joining, adding, separating and removing, with the support of images and/or manipulable material, using personal strategies and forms of recording.