Visit my website, enter your email and receive exclusive material about elderly caregivers: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on WhatsApp: 🔗👉 https://erlainerezende.com.br/kr/whats Join our #cuidadoreshumanos group on Telegram: http://www.erlainerezende.com.br/kr/c... You can also find me: Facebook: / erlainerezendeoficial Instagram: / erlainerezende Many Elderly Caregivers have difficulty with the aggressiveness of their patients, who have this behavior most of the time because of diseases that affect them, such as Alzheimer's, dementia, etc. And knowing how to deal with this situation, being able to take the elderly person with "flexibility" and professionalism, is something that makes a lot of difference for you who seek to be a differentiated elderly caregiver. That's why I put together this video, where I talk about elderly people who are more aggressive and show you techniques that you can apply in your daily life to help you manage your patients. It's great content that's worth checking out! So if you want to learn more about how to deal with this type of situation, click Play right now, it will help you a lot in your work! I take care of myself and you too! Consult your geriatrician regularly. Dr. Erlaine Rezende Specialist in Elderly Care #humancaregivers #whomothercares