You might know Edson da Graça from the world of stand-up comedy or from television programs such as Willem Wever or de Slimste Mens. But fewer people know that he produced Ali-B's first hit. In the Streets of Amsterdam: Binnenskamers we are welcome at the comedian and presenter's home in Diemen. In a personal conversation with Redouan, Edson talks about his career in the entertainment industry, which is longer than one might think, and which has had its ups and downs. As a 'true Amsterdammer', he also talks about his bond with the city, what it was like to grow up here and the countless times he has moved within the city. Finally, Edson sheds light on what is currently happening in Amsterdam, with regard to the anti-racism demonstrations. For example, he talks about his personal motivation to be present at the Dam protest on June 1. ❌ ❌ ❌ The Streets of Amsterdam is the program for, by and about the Amsterdammers in our city. Do you know which street we should go to next time? Mail us at [email protected] Want to see more of Straten van Amsterdam? Check us out every Tuesday and Thursday on AT5 on television or visit our website: https://www.at5.nl/straten. Follow @AT5 on Instagram for updates and more news from the city, and subscribe to this channel!