The simplest recipe, but very tasty. In English it is called SpathCock Chicken - if translated literally into Russian - something like a flat chicken. Cut out the spine, break the brisket, bend the wings behind the back, a little olive oil and your favorite spices. Indirect heat - 180-200 degrees Wood chips to taste - I added hickory, it adds a spicy smell to the meat. Total cooking time is 40-45 minutes. Enjoy your meal. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did you like the episode? Click like and write a comment, it really helps the development of the channel! My page on INSTAGRAM - / amocucinare - there are many more people there and there is constant movement in the stories, do not watch hungry! My website - www.amocucinare.ru - there you can buy grills, accessories, master classes and other goodies. Weber Grill Academy Moscow - / webergrillacademymoscow - my brainchild, where we train people.