If You Start Working for This Company, You'll Stay There Until You Retire The management of Lumon Industries has come up with a new way to control the daily activities of its employees - a "separation procedure" that separates work memories from everyday memories. Mark agrees to the procedure, but soon begins to doubt the correctness of his decision. Series Title - Severance (2022) MovieKocour - A cowboy wakes up with no memory and an alien weapon built into his arm • A cowboy wakes up with no memory and an alien weapon built into his arm... Movie Summary - Missionaries Try to Convert a Man to the Faith, Who Hides Dark Secrets at Home • Missionaries Try to Convert a Man to the Faith... Detailed View - All's Well in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York • All's Well in Home Alone 2: Lost in... Martin - TERRIFIER 3 (2024) - Summary + Commentary • TERRIFIER 3 (2024) - Summary + Commentary WARNING: This video contains copyrighted material used in accordance with the fair use principle of the US Copyright Act of 1976, which allows limited use of such material without the owner's permission for purposes of criticism, commentary, news, teaching, scholarship, and research. NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material that is used in accordance with the principle of fair use. Fair use is in accordance with the Czech Copyright Act (No. 121/2000 Coll.), which allows limited use of copyrighted material without the consent of the copyright holder for the purposes of criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, science and research.