This is the most prestigious model that has ever carried the Dacia logo. Here is the story of the former Romanian presidential car, which carried Nicolae Ceaușescu on his working visits. December 1, 2016 – 1 year of The Machinist: Happy birthday, Romanians everywhere! This day has come when we should be more proud than ever to be Romanians. So leave everything you have on your mind and celebrate! And, of course, be cheerful and love cars! The full message of The Machinist: http://masinistul.ro/filme/la-multi-a... ----------------------------- Video and editing: Kartal and Laurențiu Greger Soundtrack: Dan Spataru - Drumurile Noastre Adrian Enescu - Autostrada Machinist Jacket from SARTO: https://www.sarto.ro/ro Machinist Shoes from Loake Shoemakers: https://www.loake.ro/ro/