This time I will talk about the Hyperborean circus by master Clark Ashton Smith, where throughout 10 stories we are told adventures and horrible events that occurred on the mythical continent of Hyperborea. As usual, this place was inhabited by many strange creatures and of a very Lovecraftian style, such as the hateful god Tsathoggua who came to Earth from outer space or the Dantesque Ubbo-Sathla, who is credited with the creation of all the beings that populate the Earth. If this has interested you, do not hesitate to take a look at this material, I assure you that this world will hook you and I hope you are encouraged to read these stories and the other cycles of this great author. If you want to help this project, share this video with your friends, give it a like and subscribe to the Rincón de los Malditos if you want to see more material of this style. See you until the next video!