This device is not yet a fully finished device, but a kind of prototype that involves certain changes and improvements. If you have any suggestions for its improvement, please leave them in the comments. Video time code: 00:00 Introduction 00:50 The principle of measuring the phase-zero loop resistance and short-circuit current 01:10 Device operation algorithm 02:45 Features of short-circuit current calculation 05:42 Schematic diagram of the device 08:14 Design features of the device 10:00 Disadvantages and improvements of the device 11:00 Device simulation in Proteus Links: Designs on PIC controllers: https://lock.3dn.ru/news/avtorskie_pr... Schematic diagram, firmware, device simulation model in Proteus (link at the end of the article): https://lock.3dn.ru/news/ustrojstvo_d...