I am going to have a miscarriage - unfortunately I was not informed about a lot of things and that's why I would like to tell you my story today and at the same time educate you a little about the topic. I am not a doctor, this is no substitute for medical advice and is just my personal story and what I have read. Here you can find a list of possible sources of help if you are affected yourself: https://www.eltern.de/schwangerschaft... Here is a video on the subject of missed miscarriage and options: • Missed Abortion I Miscarriage without Sym... List of doctors who perform abortions: https://www.familienplanung.de/schwan... Some have commented that Pro Familia also provides information about which doctors perform abortions. Important note: even if you already know that you are having a miscarriage, you are entitled to a midwife Additional information: the ban on advertising abortions for doctors has been lifted, so that in theory they are allowed to provide factual information about it on their homepage. However, the few doctors I looked at did not have it on their homepage, even though they perform them. The contact points/lists mentioned above are therefore a useful thing. Source: https://www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/aktuelle...#:~:text=Eine%20%C3%84nderung%20im%20Schwangerschaftskonfliktgesetz%20stellt,Durchf%C3%BChrung%20eines%20Schwangerschaftsabbruchs%20zu%20informieren. Source from the video: Q1: https://www.labor-gaertner.de/laborre...