Love scamming: So-called love scammers create fake online profiles and usually trick women into believing they are in love. Often with the aim of ultimately taking money out of their victims' pockets. One of these scammers was Frank - Frank earned real money for years with fake love and, according to his own statements, cheated women out of more than half a million euros. He had no moral concerns during this time. Frank meets Uschi in this video. Uschi was the victim of such a love scammer - in the end she even had to answer in court as an alleged accomplice. — My detailed interview with Frank: • What is it like to be a love scammer? — You can find further warnings and information about scamming here: https://www.polizei-beratung.de/theme... The WEISSE RING offers nationwide, free and anonymous help with its victim hotline every day from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.: 116 006 — Would you like to tell your story? Then just write to me: [email protected] — I am now part of funk. Check it out: YouTube: / funkofficial funk WebApp: https://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk Instagram: / funk https://go.funk.net/impressum — Contact: [email protected] — Sources for fact-checking: exklusiv-schoen.de