#aplaceforyou #ateamanhecer #tonohalleluya Halleluya has a face: yours! This festival is made by you, whether in intercession, in service, or by participating in the event. Therefore, through the YOU MAKE HALLELUYA campaign, you can collaborate, in a material way, with the construction of the Festival through pix: [email protected] Follow the fifth night of the Halleluya Festival 2022 Line-up, starting at 7 pm ON THE HALLELUYA STAGE: 00:00 Start 20:20 Holy Mass 1:57:40 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 2:51:45 Interview with Ticiana de Paula 2:55:00 Show with Ticiana de Paula 4:04:20 Interview with Andre Leite 4:07:30 Show 5:05:00 Interview with Sr. Ana Paula 5:11:20 Sr. Ana Paula 6:11:10 Interview with Rosa de Saron 6:24:45 Show with Rosa de Saron The line up of the Alive Stage, of the Halleluya Festival is made up of 25 attractions in 2022. With well-known names on the national scene, the event will be held from July 20 to 24 by the Shalom Catholic Community at the Uirapuru Spiritual Condominium (CEU), in Fortaleza - CE. In addition to artists already expected by the public, this year's festival highlights Catholic electronic music with the presence of three DJs on the main stage. Every day the event will be broadcast on the Festival's YouTube channel! Follow our networks: @festivalhalleluya