#Halleluya25anos #Tonohalleluya #Halleluya Halleluya 2023 has arrived with great attractions: Fr. Fábio de Melo, Rosa de Saron, Missionário Shalom and much more! Check out our special page: comshalom.org/tonohalleluya. Tonight's LineUp has: Flávio Victor Jr. Diego Fernandes Rosa de Saron With well-known names on the national scene, the event will be held from July 19 to 23 by the Shalom Catholic Community at the Uirapuru Spiritual Condominium (CEU), in Fortaleza - CE. By making your contribution, we can hold the edition of the Party that never ends every year. Make your donation via pix: [email protected] Follow our networks: @festivalhalleluya @comshalom @shalomfortaleza