LEARN HOW TO EARN A LOT OF $$$ WITH CONTENT: https://kobe.plus/cvm-youtube2025 HOW TO WIN IN MARKETING IN 2025 Raiam Santos shares powerful lessons on how to win in digital marketing in 2025. Based on his experience in the market and reflections made during New Year's Eve in Hollywood, he explores the changes in the music, film and marketing industries. Find out why the secret is to eliminate production costs and invest heavily in distribution. Whether you are an entrepreneur, content creator or marketing professional, the sociologist has essential tips for growing in the current scenario. RAIAM SANTOS / DIGITAL NOMADE / DIGITAL NOMAD / RAIAM SANTOS VIDEOS / DIGITAL MARKETING / CONTENT CREATION / ENTREPRENEURSHIP / RAIAM SANTOS BOOKS #raiamsantos #digitalnomade #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #professionalsuccess