???? LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... ???? Calculate Due Date with Business Days, Holidays, Calendar Days: • Calculate Due Date with Days... Nessa Free Excel video lesson, let's learn how to create a Validity and Expiration Indicator in Excel. How to Make an Excel Spreadsheet with Deadlines and Expirations with Alert. We will use the IF Function or Formula IF, the Today Function or Formula Today, and conditional formatting in Excel. You can use this tutorial to find out the validity of products, expiration date of materials, customer visit date, maintenance date, contract validity, payment deadline, bill expiration date, service validity, warranty validity, etc. Conditional formatting automatically paints a line in Excel. We can paint an entire row in Excel or change the color of a cell with conditional formatting. We can create an alert with green, red and yellow colors to highlight the status cells, where we have, expired, in progress or on time, ok or paid. The IF function in Excel can help us in our daily lives and in the job market to automate tasks and automate processes and save time in our daily lives. Using the formula if in Excel we will automate the statuses. The if function is one of the most important formulas in Excel. It is a logic function. The today function in Excel returns today and this helps us keep the spreadsheet always up to date. Because in order for us to calculate the expiration date or the expiration date or the Initial deadline and the final deadline between two dates in Excel, we need to know today's date, today's date, and instead of manually, every time , enter today's date, we can use the today formula in Excel to always return with today. We can use this control spreadsheet in Excel to control the dates of your contracts, services, customer visits, equipment maintenance, product validity, bill due date, payment rate validity, customer visit, etc., this free spreadsheet in Excel can help you a lot. And best of all, I'll show you here in this free course how you can make this spreadsheet from scratch, step by step. Alerts and statuses here in the spreadsheet work automatically. The color of the cell in the spreadsheet changes automatically, and the alert text changes automatically as well. Example: If the deadline is far from expiry, the color will turn green and the text will say: OK. If the deadline is in a range between 0 and 30, the color will turn yellow and the text will say, Renew. And if the deadline is over, that is, less than or equal to 0, then the cell automatically colors red and the text becomes Expired. It is important that you know how to create spreadsheets in Excel and, in this Excel tutorial, you will learn how to control deadlines and due dates and alerts in Excel. This video also serves as a basis for you to create your own personalized spreadsheet or table and better organize deadlines, expirations and contract alerts in Excel. #ExcelenteJoão #Excel #Dashboard