🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... 🔵 FREE DOWNLOAD EXCEL SPREADSHEET: https://excelentejoao.com.br/wp-conte... In this Excel video lesson, we will learn one of the best Excel keyboard shortcuts, the Ctrl E shortcut. This Excel shortcut gives us access to a very important tool called Flash Fill or AutoComplete in Excel. This shortcut can be very useful for you to Automate Tasks and Processes in the Excel Spreadsheet. A practical example of the use of this function is when we download a report, for example, and in the table we have a column with the date, however, in this column we have the date together with the time and I only need the date in the column, I don't want to use the time. A great way to separate Date and Time is by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + E. To do this, simply type what you need in a column next to it and in the cell below press the shortcut, and that's it. Now all the rows will have AutoComplete following the pattern you created. We can also use the Ctrl E function to Join Columns, Separate Columns, Separate First Name from Last Name, Join First Name with Last Name, etc. We can use this Excel functionality to create phone number patterns, CPF CNPJ masks, etc. So, with this Excel functionality, we can save time in our daily lives and stand out in the Job Market with Excel. Basically, AutoComplete can help you quickly insert functions and arguments, minimizing typing and syntax errors. The AutoComplete menu shows the available options based on the context and you choose what you want to insert in your formula. #ExcellentJoão #Excel #Dashboard