My students always ask me, when they are writing the TCC methodology, about how to calculate the research sample. And it was with this in mind that I decided to record this video, to help you too, clarifying this doubt. And you will see that it is simple, there is no need to memorize the formula, because whenever you need it, just go back to this video and check the calculation, right? Remember that the sample calculation is a very important step in your methodology, because it will be what will determine the representativeness of your sample, so that it represents the results found in your population! Video link: Difference between Population and Sample: • Know once and for all the difference... Links to sites that do the sample calculation, BUT they are only useful when YOU KNOW THE SIZE OF THE POPULATION: https://comentto.com/calculadora-amos... https://pt.surveymonkey.com/mp/sample... https://calculareconverter.com.br/cal... A hug and see you in the next video!