Every stroke is an emergency. In Germany, around 270,000 people suffer a stroke every year. Around 70 percent of survivors have to deal with the consequences in the long term. How a stroke occurs and is treated, what the most common symptoms are and many other questions on the topic are answered by Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Jörg B. Schulz in the video. 00:00 Introduction 00:39 What happens during a stroke? 02:00 What symptoms occur during a stroke? 03:06 What is the FAST test? 05:06 How should you behave in the event of a stroke? 06:11 Can the risk of stroke be reduced? 07:17 How is a stroke diagnosed? 08:09 How is treatment carried out? 10:11 What is a stroke unit? 12:09 What consequences can a stroke have? 14:29 What happens after a stroke? Graphics and Icons from Freepik (https://de.freepik.com/) and Adobe Stock (https://stock.adobe.com/de/); made by: © Алёна Игдеева – stock.adobe.com © Freepik © Macrovector – Freepik © Vectorjuice – Freepik © Brgfx – Freepik © pch.vector – Freepik ____About this channel____________________________________________________________ Here the RWTH Aachen University Hospital provides information on current topics in university medicine, gives tips for a healthy lifestyle, dispels medical myths and introduces interesting employees from nursing and medical professions and many other areas. ____Social Media________________________________________________________________ Facebook: / uniklinikrwthaachen Twitter: / uniklinikaachen Instagram: / uniklinik_rwth_aachen