how I was approved for the auditor position WATCH ALSO: ✅ Technique of the Record that Stays • How to Increase your Percentage of Ace... ✅ Technique of the Magic Box • How to Study for a Discursive Test - ... ✅ Technique of Creative Visualization • Law of Attraction to Pass a Public Exam... In this video I tell more details about my journey until approval, highlighting the habit of studying every day, more effective study, the adjustment in my mindset and the total time of dedication. Links to social networks: ????Telegram: https://t.me/profadriannefreire_MMA ???? Instagram: @profadriannefreire Hashtags: #comofuiaprovadaparaocargodeauditor #concursopublico #comoestudar #auditordecontroleexterno #habitodeestudo tags how I was approved for the position of auditor, approved in public competition, external control auditor, competitions, study for competitions, study, auditor, court of auditors, competition, public competition, public competition, how to study for a competition, enem, oab, strategy, competition strategy, flávia rita, adriana figueiredo, FCC, CESPE, FGV, alfa concursos, I am a candidate, nlp, neuroscience, how the brain learns, study better, study habit, mindset, how I was approved for the position of auditor