The portfolios of the Finanzfluss team: Update 2024 Open a free depot: ►► https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/depot?... *???? Track your assets with Finanzfluss Copilot: ►► https://www.finanzfluss.de/copilot/ ???? ℹ️ More information about the video: We asked the Finanzfluss team members how they are currently investing. This time, in addition to new faces in the team, there are also one or two somewhat surprising asset allocations. • To the last team video of 2022: • How does the Finanzfluss team invest? ???? Our recommendations: https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/empfeh... • Depot: https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/depot?... *???? • Credit card: https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/kredit... *???? • Current account (+75€ bonus): https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/giroko... *???? • Crypto exchange (+10€ bonus): https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/krypto... *???? • Call money (interest rate comparison): https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/tagesg... * ???? ???? The best interest rates! • Daily interest comparison: https://link.finanzfluss.de/r/tagesge... • Fixed interest comparison: https://link.finanzfluss.de/r/festgel... ⚒️ Useful tools for your finances • Household book (Excel) https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/hausha... • Kommer World Portfolio (Excel) https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/weltpo... • Step-by-step instructions for investing: https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/invest... ???? Podcast, Instagram & more: https://www.finanzfluss.de/linkliste?... ???? The new Finanzfluss book! ►► https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/finanz... * 0:00 Intro 0:19 The team members introduce themselves 1:32 How long have you been dealing with the topic of finance? 3:08 This is how the team invests 10:19 What has changed in your portfolio recently? 11:19 The most important learnings in the team 14:41 Financial goals 16:41 Message to the community and outro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *This is an advertising or affiliate link. If you click on this link, buy something or complete a transaction, we will receive a commission (depending on the provider). This will not cost you any extra and you will support our project. Thank you for your support! ????