Seminar of the Science, Reason and Faith Group. The new scientific study of religion: contributions, limits and challenges Lluis Oviedo. Pamplona, October 18, 2016. Lluis Oviedo is a full professor of Theological Anthropology at the Pontifical University Antonianum. Some of his books are: “Secularization as a problem”, “Altruism and charity” and “Christian faith in the face of new social challenges”. Co-editor with Anne Runehov of the Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, 4 vols. He is currently researching in the field of cognitive sciences of religion and its theological impact. Abstract: The last 15 years have seen a broad development in the application of cognitive and evolutionary methods to the study of religion. The accumulated bibliography is very extensive and various orientations are outlined, with extensive debates among their respective representatives. However, the number of critics who point out its limitations and errors, as well as the lack of empirical evidence that plagues much of this project, has also grown. It is time to take stock in order to discern what these developments may have contributed to us, especially for a better understanding of the Christian faith and for the dialogue between faith and science; as well as to understand its errors and respond to the challenges they have posed.