Seminar of the Science, Reason and Faith Group. Juan Pablo Martínez Rica. Pamplona, April 8, 2014. Professor Juan Pablo Martínez Rica is vice president of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Zaragoza, Scientific Researcher of the Higher Council of Scientific Research and former director of the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (CSIC). Seminar: Charles Darwin and religion: history of a dialogue between science and faith. Summary: The purpose of the seminar is to present the different theories of evolution, and especially Darwinism, from the point of view of the believer, highlighting the aspects related to religious experience, but also alluding, since it is essential, to the scientific aspects. The talk will focus on the life and work of Darwin, but will also refer to his predecessors and successors. The aim is to convey some fundamental ideas: that Darwin was the author of the greatest scientific and cultural revolution in history and that he was a good Christian during a significant part of his life, and a good person throughout it. Download the full text of the seminar: http://www.unav.es/cryf/textomartinez...