Seminar of the Science, Reason and Faith Group. Ignacio Sols Lucia. Pamplona, February 18, 2014. Professor Ignacio Sols Lucia is emeritus professor of algebra at the Faculty of Mathematics at the Complutense University. Seminar: Science and faith. Ideas for impact. Speaker's summary: Christianity took over from Islam the mathematics created primarily by Greek antiquity, and developed it until it became a descriptive model of material reality, increasingly accurate. The only case of opposition by the Church to a scientific hypothesis did not have negative consequences for science but, on the contrary - and without intending to - had very positive ones. The historical balance of the Church's relations with science, for and against, is therefore overwhelmingly favorable. Why then is it believed that Christianity has always been a hindrance to science? In the philosophical field, the balance is also overwhelming in favor of the congruence of the Christian faith with the new discoveries - for example, the absence of determinism in the behavior of matter, and the dating of the world at 13.76 billion years. Why then is it believed that faith is threatened by the advance of science? In my talk I try to respond and propose some ideas so that current Christian scientists can change this erroneous perception of large sectors of current culture. Download the full text of the seminar: http://www.unav.es/cryf/textosols14.pdf