Find out the main similarities and differences between the Kenntnisprüfung (knowledge test) and Eignungsprüfung (aptitude test) approval exams: when to take each of these exams, what aspects are assessed, exam deadlines, costs and what role the expert opinion plays in approving your medical degree to practice in Germany. Link to the Approval Regulations for Foreign Doctors: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/_a... Do you want to practice as a doctor in Germany? ???? Click here to find out how: https://bit.ly/3mD9NKA Do you want more tips and daily information? ???? Follow me on Instagram: @trabajarenalemania VIDEO INDEX 01:00 Regulations on Approvals for Foreign Doctors 02:40 Options for Doctors from Outside the European Union 03:00 Expertise 04:38 Eignungsprüfung (EP) 06:48 Similarities and differences between Kenntnisprüfung and Eignungsprüfung 07:47 Deadlines for examinations 08:40 Defizitbescheid (administrative resolution of professional deficit) 09:33 Costs OTHER INTERESTING LINKS ???? Download my free guide on the 5 steps to work in Germany as a Doctor on the fast track: https://angiebru.com/regalo/ ???? Follow us on Facebook: /anyeli.bru ???? Visit our website https://www.angiebru.com #homologacionenalemania #doctorsingermany #certificationexamsgermany