Achieving high volume levels in mastering is something that many people want to achieve. With this technique implemented in mastering you will achieve high volume levels just by respecting your input, processing and output stages taking care of your gain. ????Do you want to buy me a coffee or a beer????? https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/pr... ????KM Music Academy COMPRESSION COURSE????: http://bit.ly/2GRk2sF MY EQUIPMENT: MIDI CONTROLLER 1: https://amzn.to/2W3Kx79 MIDI CONTROLLER 2: https://ebay.to/2xPuKLr SHURE SRH940 HEADPHONES: http://bit.ly/2WoJGL8 MONITORS: http://bit.ly/2GV5aJ3 INTERFACE: http://bit.ly/2DL12dU MICROPHONE: http://bit.ly/2VdCXXT ????SOCIAL NETWORKS????: ✅ / chemafraustoc ✅ / chefrau ✅https://www.instagram.com/chema_fraus... CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected]