Excerpt from the talk/interview with the great mastering engineer or masterer (as he likes to say) Daniel Osorio (Estudio El Angel). He has worked with renowned artists such as Alejandro Lerner, Carajo, Las pastillas del abuelo, El Bordo, etc. Full interview: • Talking about Mastering with Daniel O... Estudio El Ángel: https://www.elangelmastering.com/ Do you want to support the channel? ???? ✔ Patreon: / elcapitanestudio ✔ MercadoPago: https://mpago.la/2PXi3EK Courses ???? ✔ Our online courses and sample packs: https://academiadeproductores.thinkif... MerchandCapi ???? ✔ Teespring: / elcapit%c3%a1nestudio ✔ For Argentina: https://el-capitan-estudio.flashcooki... Subscribe for more videos about music and music production / @elcapitánestudio ✔ Share this video with someone: ❤ [ • What are LUFS? and at what volume MA... ] ✔ Free eBook: https://mailchi.mp/427140c8446d/elcap... ???????? ✔ Equipment mentioned in the video and from El Capitán studio: ???? https://kit.co/luipiluso/equipos-para...