I cordially invite brothers and sisters to pray the novena together before the Solemnity of Pentecost, also present on our channel. Here is a record of the proposed prayer for the first day: • Day 1 of the novena to the Holy Spirit *** O Creator, Spirit, come, Visit the circle of souls faithful to You. Send heavenly grace to the Hearts that are the work of Your hands. You are called the Comforter and the gift of the highest God. You are the anointing of our souls, a living fountain, love, fire. You bestow grace sevenfold, Because you have power from the right hand of the Father, promised to us by God, You enrich our language with speech. Illuminate our thoughts with light, Pour holy love into our hearts And strengthen the frail weakness of our bodies with the constancy of Your power. Drive the enemy away And bestow Your peace together. Let us pass the evil that tempts us on the way, guided by You. Let us know the Father through You, Let the Son also be known. And You, one breath of Two, Let us confess with all our strength. Let glory be heard to God the Father, to the Son who rose from the dead, And to Him who comforts us, Let the homage of eternal praise flow. Amen. Introductory prayer: Holy Spirit, God, who on the day of the Church's birth deigned to descend visibly upon the Apostles to enlighten their minds, ignite their hearts, strengthen their faith and sanctify their lives, we beseech You most ardently during this novena, that You would also deign to grant us the same gifts for our sanctification and the increase of God's glory. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Day One On the last day of the octave of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus "cried with a loud voice: If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink! And he said this about the Spirit, whom those who believe in him were to receive" (Jn 7:37, 39). Let us pray: Lord Jesus Christ, as a tree after receiving water develops and bears fruit, we too desire to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit and bear the fruits of virtue. Amen. Daily offering to the Holy Spirit God, Holy Spirit, sweet love of the Father and the Son. In order to belong completely to you, I give you now and forever: my heart, my body and soul, my strength and abilities, my sufferings and joys, my life and death. I also give you all who are dear to me and all that I am and have, so that you alone can dispose of it and reign over me with your love, now and in eternity. Amen. (St. Arnold Janssen SVD)