In today's talk we are joined by Mateo Gualdaroni, a young man who has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia since he was 17. From his YouTube channel @soycomoelaire he strives to raise awareness of this mental disorder and fight against the stigmas that society still has regarding people who suffer from it. Mateo is an aware, honest and combative person, always emphasizing that he is not a mental health professional and that his videos are based on his personal experience. On his channel you can see very interesting material with which you can learn first-hand what it is like to live with a serious mental disorder. Paranoid schizophrenia is the most common type of schizophrenia in most of the world. It is characterized by paranoid delusions and hallucinations, mainly auditory. Patients often have false and persistent beliefs of persecution or conspiracy, and may hear voices that speak to them in a negative or threatening manner. In addition, they often show inappropriate emotional expressions, high levels of anxiety and, sometimes, they can react aggressively. Social isolation is common as they distrust others due to their distorted perceptions. People with paranoid schizophrenia may also exhibit strange or eccentric behaviors, as well as have cognitive deficits in areas such as attention and memory. --- If you want to follow Mateo on his social networks and watch the videos on his YouTube channel, here are the links: YouTube Channel: / @soycomoelaire Instagram: / soy_como_el_aire --- ???? If you liked this video, don't forget to subscribe to the channel: / psicolog%c3%adaenserioconguillermoorozco --- ???? My name is Guillermo Orozco and I have a Psychological Care Center in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. I specialize in anxiety disorders, depression, stress, and other emotional disorders. --- ???? You can follow me on my social networks: ✅ Instagram: / guillermoorozco.psicologo ✅ Facebook: / guillermoorozcopsicologo ✅ Twitter: / orozcopsicologo ✅ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/orozcopsicol... ✅ LinkedIn: / guillermo-orozco-psicologo ✅ Guillermo Orozco – Psychologist in Las Palmas: https://guillermoorozco.com/