In paragraph 195 of this Message (The Unity of the Union), the roar of the Holy Wind of the Spirit was manifested in the pulpit, and heard by the entire audience. Watch the services Sunday at 1:00 pm - https://branhamtabernacle.org/pt/ Message: The Unity of the Union - 1958 . . . Listen to the Message and the messenger, for This will bring you the Rapture Faith. This channel is not monetized, therefore without commercial advertisements. Collaborate to maintain this channel: PIX: [email protected] Channel dedicated to spreading the Message of God's prophet, William Marrion Branham. Whose ministry of restoration of the Original Word was prophesied in the Bible in: Malachi 4:5-6, Revelation 10:7 Source: https://branham.org/pt/MessageAudio Collaborate with this channel: [email protected]