In this video, we will talk about the prophecies of the Bible and understand a little better the concepts surrounding them, what the Law, Prophets and Writings were, present in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), as well as what Jesus said about prophecies and where these passages can be found in the Bible. During this video, we will talk a little about the covenants that God made, including the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic (Sinaitic), Davidic and the New Covenant. In addition, we will talk about the difference between a unilateral and bilateral covenant, and how each of them is presented in the Bible. Understanding these covenants is essential to understanding God's relationship with the Prophets, who the prophets were, where they appear in the Bible and how they were important in spreading the divine word. To see more about spirituality and biblical studies, learn more about the various Christian, evangelical and Jewish traditions, the books of the Bible and their interpretation, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell! Healthy Community. Better City! Contribute to IBNU projects: PIX Key (CNPJ): 08.802.770/0001-60 Banco Bradesco Ag. 1445-1 CC. 35400-7 https://www.ibnu.com.br/contribua Teen Room: / discord Learn more: [email protected] https://www.ibnu.com.br Follow us: / ibnusaopaulo / ibnusp