Epilepsy Habits: Sleep, Rest, and Screens - Dr. Jorgelina Pérez García What habits are recommended for people with epilepsy? Dr. Jorgelina Pérez tells us about the guidelines and healthy habits for people with epilepsy, such as the importance of sleeping well and sleep cycles. On the other hand, in these times we are overstimulated, with advertisements through LED screens or the multiple electronic devices we use daily, what recommendations can we follow in this regard? ???? Speaker: Dr. Jorgelina Pérez García ???? About epifest! Epifest! is a unique event in which scientific knowledge and the experience of the epilepsy community are linked with the aim of providing tools to improve the quality of life and reduce the stigmas related to epilepsy. #epifest! #latinamericanepilepsycongress ➡️ If you like this cycle, help us and share it so it reaches more people!!! www.epifest.com #epilepsy #espacioepilepsia #synestigmas #informationepilepsy #ligaepilepsia #ilae #brain #neurons #epilepsy, #epilepsy #epifest, #habitosepilepsy #screens #screensandepilepsy #photosensitivity #neurology #drajorgelinaperez #laceepilepsy #ilaeepilepsy, #ibeepilepsy, #ibe, #neurologist, #ilae #purpleday #diapurpura #sleep #rest #argentineleagueagainstepilepsy, #espacioeepilepsyfoundation, #espacioepilepsy #epileptologist