There are strong westerlies on the upper part of the Earth. Westerlies blow near the boundary between the cold air in the north and the warm air in the south. However, westerlies do not blow parallel to latitude, but meander north and south. The part where westerlies meander south is called a trough. Therefore, the trough has a cold air in the north. After one trough passes, another trough follows and approaches our country. This is because westerlies meander continuously. Following the first cold wave this week, the second cold wave will come again next week. References: windy.com Korea Meteorological Administration Special Report Status https://afso.kma.go.kr/afsOut/rsp/ptl... Korea Meteorological Administration Medium-term Forecast Seoul Highest and Lowest Temperature https://www.weather.go.kr/w/weather/f... Japan Meteorological Agency Himawari Weather Satellite Image https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/map.html#... European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 500hPa Contour Lines and 850hPa Temperature https://charts.ecmwf.int/products/med...