Hello, how are you? On this Saturday's Saúde em Seu Lar program, we will welcome Gastroenterologist Dr. Mario Magalhães to talk about HEPATIC FATS, which is an accumulation of fat in the liver cells, also called Fatty Liver Infiltration or Fatty Liver Disease. It can be divided into alcoholic fatty liver disease (when there is alcohol abuse) or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. What are the causes? Why is the number of people with this disease increasing? How can I prevent it? I invite you to watch this program to learn more about this subject. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell to receive all the updates from Saúde em Seu Lar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Business Contact: [email protected] Official website: https://sitedraregina.wixsite.com/dra-rc Facebook: http://twixar.me/sH4n Instagram: @programasaudeemseular #HEALTH #STEATOSE #HEPATIC #LIVER #FAT