Body image has a very important impact on self-esteem. A real or imagined defect causes a feeling of physical and emotional inferiority that can wreak havoc on the way we appreciate ourselves. To value a person is to look at them with respect, consideration and appreciation. Self-esteem, therefore, is to look at oneself with a sense of dignity and respect that contributes decisively to personal well-being. Those who have self-esteem feel emotionally healthy, that is, self-esteem begins by accepting who and how we are. Thus, acceptance increases the use and development of our capacities and skills, and, therefore, encourages the defense and promotion of rights and needs. It does not matter if we believe we have a physical defect or not, the important thing is to respect it, accept it, love it and cherish it. Don't miss this Wednesday in Dialogues in Confidence the topic: Image and self-esteem. Follow us at: / canaloncetv / canaloncetv http://www.canalonce.mx