According to the World Health Organization, #EmotionalHealth is a state of #wellbeing in which the individual is aware of their own #emotions in order to manage them appropriately, face life's challenges, and have the ability to establish healthy relationships with others. It is important to distinguish emotional health from #MentalHealth. These terms can often be confused, but the latter is related to our mind's ability to grasp our external world and our reality; emotional health is how we react to this. On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize that emotional health is not equivalent to literally always feeling good; it has to do with knowing, recognizing, and consciously experiencing emotions, whether they are "pleasant" or "unpleasant." In #DialoguesInTrust, let us reflect on the actions we must carry out to achieve and preserve our emotional health. Follow us on: Facebook: / dialogosenconfianza Twitter: / dialogoscanal11 Instagram: / dialogos_confianza Once +: https://canalonce.mx/programas/dialog... Blog: https://dialogosenconfianza.info/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0Qm2ZWt...