A few years ago, a dentist got (I don't know how) my cell phone number and called me saying that she had discovered, through a lawyer, an easier way to validate her diploma in Portugal. This easier way did not involve testing, just analyzing the college documents. The process this dentist was referring to was Level Recognition. Does Level Recognition really serve to validate the diploma and do you work as a Dentist in Portugal? In this episode, we will talk in detail about Level Recognition and other things. In fact, I will tell you what happened to the Dentist when she achieved Level Recognition and went to register with the Dentistry Council. 👉 Want to know how to be a Dentist in Europe? Visit dentistinternacional.com #serdentistaportugal #trabalhordentistaportugal #vagasdentistaportugal #empregodentistaportugal #reconhecimentoespecifico #revalidardiplomaodontologia #faculdadeodontologiaportugal #medicinadentariportugal #odontologialisboa #validardiplomaodontologiaportugal #validardiplomaodontologiaeuropa #odontologiaportugal #dentistaportugal #saudebucalportugal #odont ologiaeuropa #reconhecimentodenivel #viveremportugal